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FONASA signs an agreement with BUPA to provide free health care to people affected by forest fires in the Valparaíso region

FONASA signs an agreement with BUPA to provide free health care to people affected by forest fires in the Valparaíso region

March 7 ,2024

Thanks to this agreement, FONASA beneficiaries registered in the Basic Emergency File will be able to access outpatient care throughout the country’s BUPA network, including three clinics and 27 IntegraMédica medical centers.

Viña del Mar, Valparaíso region, Thursday, February 29, 2024.- As part of the Support Plan for people affected by the forest fires that affected the provinces of Marga Marga and Valparaíso, the National Health Fund (FONASA) signed an agreement with the health company BUPA, created especially for FONASA users who have the Basic Emergency File (FIBE).
The activity was attended by the Minister of Health, Ximena Aguilera, the director of Fonasa, Camilo Cid, the head of the Fund’s Commercial Management Division, Nancy Dawson, and the general manager of BUPA Chile, Antonio Cantó. With this, BUPA becomes the first network of private health providers to commit to a public-private Health Support Plan for people affected by the fires in the area.
Thanks to this agreement, outpatient medical services will be provided at NO COST to the patient, throughout the BUPA network throughout the country, made up of the BUPA Reñaca, BUPA Santiago and BUPA Antofagasta Clinics, along with 27 medical centers in the network. IntegraMédica deployed throughout the territory, including the city of Viña del Mar, during the period in which the health alert is in force.
Based on data provided by the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED), as of February 14 of this year, there are 21,239 people affected by the fires in the provinces of Valparaíso and Marga Marga, of which nearly 20,000 people to date have the FIBE file.

Of the people with a FIBE card, 94% (18,752 people) correspond to FONASA beneficiaries. “That is why it is a priority to go to the aid of the beneficiaries and their families; it is essential that they have access to health with financial protection and in a timely manner,” emphasized Camilo Cid. In this sense, the authority specified that this agreement seeks generate the necessary strategies that complement the service provided by the Public Health Network, highly demanded by the catastrophe, together with the collaboration of private providers.

Minister Aguilera highlighted the importance of this alliance, which goes directly to help the victims. “Faced with these types of situations, as a health sector, we have always managed to stand up and collaborate, giving the appropriate response to the different health needs of the population. This agreement is a great help for the affected people to be able to provide them with the care they need.”
“BUPA CHILE has shown its willingness and has been the first provider to support this zero-cost initiative for patients by committing its care network, while the health alert period lasts. In this way, the affected people who agree to this agreement will have free outpatient care,” said Nancy Dawson.
In this sense, Antonio Cantó, general manager of BUPA CHILE, pointed out that “this public-private health support plan is a concrete example of the contribution made by the private health system when it works hand in hand with the public sector and reinforces the commitment.” of BUPA with bringing health closer to more and more people, offering those affected by this catastrophe, timely medical care and with financial protection, aspects that are especially relevant in times of emergency such as those experienced by the region.”
To benefit from this benefit, people must be accredited with FONASA in any of its sections: A, B, C or D and, in addition, have their FIBE file. This agreement will include all outpatient services in accordance with the catalog signed between FONASA and the provider.
To access care, people who meet these requirements must call the FONASA call center 6003603000. Once it is verified that people are qualified for this benefit, authorization will be activated through a verification code to access the provider in agreement.
This support plan will be valid from February 29 to May 31, 2024, in accordance with the health alert decreed by the Ministry of Health.

Fonasa y Bupa firman acuerdo, marzo de 2024

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