5th Conference on Bilingual Education 2024

August 31, 2024

The 5° Conference on Bilingual Education is an initiative run by a group of national and international institutions in Chile, dedicated to bringing together leading academics, researchers, school administrators and teachers to exchange and share their experiences and results on all aspects of Bilingual Education in Latin American and other contexts.

The event will provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Bilingual Education worldwide.

This year the main theme is “Embracing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Education”. Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping education, offering personalized experiences and innovative avenues for learning. Despite its promises, we must navigate associated risks such as bias and job displacement. AI’s ability to personalize learning through analysing vast student datasets enhances engagement and academic success, narrowing achievement gaps. By automating tasks like grading, AI allows educators to focus on fostering connections and delivering personalized instruction, enriching educational landscapes. However, AI’s reliance on biased datasets poses challenges, perpetuating inequalities in education. Collaborative approaches are vital to augment educators’ capabilities and ensure equitable access to AI-driven resources, fostering inclusive learning environments. Prioritizing responsible design and inclusive practices, AI can drive personalized learning, empower educators, and narrow educational disparities, becoming a force for equity and innovation in education.

Who should attend the Conference?

Teachers in the field of dual language, ESL, administrators, university professors, students, researchers, advocates, and policymakers.

Modality for Participation

All-Access Pass Free of charge*

Access to Links of recorded presentations for 30 days after the event

Professional Development Certificate sent at the end of the event

*The link to the Conference will be sent directly to the registered emails 2 days before the event. For this reason, it is important that the registration is correct, first and last name, and connection email. Attendance will be confirmed with complete information on both days.

For more information, contact Isabel Juppet (isabel.juppet@britcham.cl)


Raquel Ribeiro is a tech-savvy teacher educator, lecturer, and writer in the field of EdTech applied to ELT.

She has worked with teachers from various backgrounds, including language institutes, regular schools, and private instructors. Her training experience encompasses both theoretical knowledge and practical application, online as well as face to face.

She has presented at international ELT conferences such as IATEFL, BBELT, BrazTESOL and Google for Education events.

Raquel has shared her expertise through writing for the CPD blog “The World of Better Learning” by Cambridge University Press, and she is a coauthor of the Teachers’ Editions 1 and 2 of the English Course book EVOLVE.

Title: The use of AI in exams preparation with Cambridge materials

Abstract: Discover how generative AI can be a powerful companion on your Cambridge Exam Preparation Journey, empowering both teachers and learners. Explore GenAI’s potential to personalise the learning experience, build learner autonomy, and provide targeted, adaptable feedback. This webinar will connect the latest research on using generative AI tools in the learning environment with Cambridge’s expertise in exam preparation. Join us for practical guidance on how to make the best of both worlds and achieve your exam goals!


Patricia Mesa is a fully bilingual and bicultural educator with more than twenty years of experience working as a leader and coordinator, teacher, literacy trainer and consultant in international schools in the LATAM region. She is passionate about learning and development and connecting authentically and meaningfully with students, teachers, coaches and leaders. An executor with the ability to manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Demonstrated experience creating and leading interactive conversations and training sessions with large and small groups. Excellent interpersonal skills with strong verbal communication, conthat values different perspectives. Highly developed problem-solving and multitasking skills that demonstrate creativity, ingenuitysultation and persuasion skills and a team player who contributes to building and being part of a positive and inclusive culture , courage, and empathy.

Title: Literacy in the teaching of the English language. Influence of AI

Abstract: English is one of the most used languages for jobs, markets, tourism, discourse and international connectivity. To achieve mastery of the English language, a pupil acquires proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing. However, empirical evidence shows that pupils can often face difficulties when learning English, with challenges such as limited connections to English outside the language courses, insufficient content knowledge and irregularity in English spelling. Pupils can also fear making embarrassing mistakes in front of peers. AI has been used to remove or ameliorate some of those challenges. AI has supported language teaching and learning with studies showing that AI can support language-specific skills, such as reading comprehension, practicing repetitive language skills on a machine and correcting English pronunciation.


Dr. René Venegas holds the full professor position at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV). He teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Linguistics and the postgraduate program in Smart Industry. His research focuses on analyzing specialized (academic and professional) discourse from the perspective of its written processing, grounded in corpus linguistics, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence. He has developed and applied computational tools for text analysis and production. Dr. Venegas is a founding member and director of several scientific associations (ALES, LatinCall, ALT, among others). He leads the REDILEGRA research and innovation group (Rhetorical-Discursive and Lexical-Grammar Group, www.redilegra.com) and the Research Center in Applied Natural Language Processing (www.niplna.com). He is also the national director of the UNESCO Chair for Reading and Writing, Chile (www.catedraunescolees.cl).

Title: AI in Academia: Opportunities and Ethical Challenges of ChatGPT in University Settings

Abstract: The talk explores the dual role of AI models like ChatGPT in higher education, highlighting their potential to both support and undermine academic integrity.

Central to the discussion is ChatGPT’s utility in academic settings, specifically its application in enhancing reading and writing processes. ChatGPT can assist in the comprehension and production of different academic genres by helping to organize ideas, draft outlines, and define terms. For writing, it facilitates textualization through draft creation and revision by providing stylistic and discursive feedback, including plagiarism control measures. In reading, ChatGPT aids in the comprehension of complex texts by summarizing academic materials, clarifying terminology, and fostering discussions to reinforce understanding. However, the presentation also critically examines the threats posed by such technology, including potential academic dishonesty, diminished critical thinking, and over-dependence on automated tools. These risks call for stringent ethical guidelines and robust educational frameworks to ensure AI tools are used responsibly. Conclusively, the presentation advocates for strategic integration of AI tools like ChatGPT in educational practices, ensuring they are used as supplements to traditional learning methods rather than replacements. Recommendations for policy-making and continuous assessment of AI’s educational impact are discussed, aiming to preserve academic integrity while embracing technological advancements in educational processes.


Gabriel Rshaid is the co-founder and Director of The Learnerspace, a company whose mission is to help build the future of learning. He is also co-founder and Headmaster of The Global School, the first school of its type in Latin America, attempting to make educational change a reality. Formerly Headmaster of St. Andrew’s Scots School in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the oldest bilingual school in the world, he is a passionate educational futurist who is intent on sharing his belief that it is the best time in history to be an educator.

He is recognized as a leading international expert on artificial intelligence in education, delivering frequent workshops and keynotes both online as well as face-to-face. He has worked with schools and education organizations in the US, India, Finland, Singapore, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Kenya, Denmark, China, Peru, Ecuador, England, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.

Title: Leading with AI 

Abstract: The advent of generative AI applications has revolutionized the workplace, with a dazzling and yet confusing array of new applications that can help improve not just productivity and efficiency, but also can provide new and unprecedented opportunities for information analysis and insights.

The workshop provides both a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art generative AI tools that can be applied to the leadership role as well as practical examples for some of the critical areas in business development.
Workshop contents include:
– Generative AI: principles, how it works, state-of-the-art, expected developments.
– ChatGPT and GPT Plus: comprehensive review, applications, strengths and weaknesses, risks and limitations.
– Third-party generative AI applications: an overview of existing applications for multimedia creation, images, video, sound dubbing, presentations, project evaluation, and other areas.
– Practical examples for leadership applications, including:
o Spreadsheets and data analysis.
o Document summarization, analysis, garnering insights from one or various long texts.
o Human resources applications, resume screening, job description, matching of best candidates.
o Capturing and analyzing organic organizational data, including surveys, ideation and brainstorming sessions.
o Streamlining processes, identifying tasks that can be outsourced to AI, developing workflow processes for improved efficiency.
o Applications for meetings, automated notetaking, conclusions, minutes.
o Scheduling and other administrative applications.
– Creating a customized AI application with no coding required, for specific work processes.

Rafael Pérez y Pérez is Electronics and Computer Engineer from the Universidad Iberoamericana. He studied a master’s degree in Knowledge-Based Systems and a doctorate in Artificial Intelligence, both at the University of Sussex, England. His research area is computer models of the creative process. Dr. Pérez y Pérez developed a program called MEXICA which writes stories about the Mexicas. His students have written programs that improvise in jazz, solve geometry problems or write stories. In 2006 he founded the Creativity, Cognition and Computing group (CCC), which brings together researchers and students from various disciplines, and whose objective is the research and development of computational models of the creative process. Since 2002 he has taught the subject of Creative Processes in Computers in the Postgraduate Program in Engineering and Computer Science at UNAM. He has published in various international scientific journals and has participated in conferences and workshops on AI and creativity in different countries. He has worked in the private sector in the development of computer programs, teaching training courses to companies and providing advice on computer support systems for decision making. Since 1988 he has taught university-level classes on computing topics. He has been a teacher at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Tecnológico de Monterrey, UNAM, Universidad del Pedregal, etc. He is a tutor and teacher of the Master’s and Doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering and the Doctorate in Administration at UNAM. He is currently a Senior Research Professor “B” of the Department of Information Technologies in the Division of Communication Sciences and Design at the UAM, Cuajimalpa Unit.





Embracing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping our world, and education stands as a prominent arena undergoing profound transformation. The advent of AI presents an array of opportunities to revolutionize learning, offering personalized experiences and innovative educational avenues. However, alongside these prospects, it’s imperative to acknowledge and navigate the associated risks, such as bias and job displacement. In this overview, we delve into both the promises and perils of integrating AI into education, advocating for thoughtful consideration and responsible implementation.

AI’s capacity to personalize learning experiences stands as a cornerstone of its potential in education. Through the analysis of vast student datasets, AI can discern individual progress patterns and areas necessitating additional support, paving the way for tailored learning plans. Research consistently demonstrates the efficacy of personalized learning in bolstering engagement, retention, and academic success, with the potential to narrow achievement gaps by providing equitable opportunities across diverse student demographics.

By automating mundane tasks like grading and data analysis, AI liberates educators to focus on fostering interpersonal connections and delivering personalized instruction. This shift not only fortifies teacher-student relationships but also opens avenues for immersive, technology-enhanced learning experiences previously beyond reach. Virtual reality simulations and AI-powered platforms foster critical thinking and creativity, enriching educational landscapes and catering to diverse learning needs.

Despite its promise, AI’s reliance on biased datasets poses a significant challenge in education. Biased algorithms perpetuate inequalities, leading to biased grading and limited opportunities. To counteract this, transparent algorithms and diverse stakeholder involvement in design and development are crucial. Regular audits and data evaluation ensure fairness and equity, promoting an inclusive educational environment.

The prospect of AI displacing teachers underscores the importance of collaborative approaches. Rather than supplanting educators, AI should augment their capabilities, enabling personalized instruction at scale. Embracing AI as a complement to human expertise fosters enriched learning experiences, safeguarding the invaluable role of teachers in nurturing student growth.

AI-driven educational resources must be accessible to all students to prevent exacerbating existing inequalities. Bridging the digital divide requires concerted efforts from policymakers, educational institutions, and technology developers. Equitable access to AI resources is essential in cultivating inclusive learning environments that cater to diverse student needs.

AI holds immense potential to transform education positively. By prioritizing responsible design and inclusive practices, AI can drive personalized learning, empower educators, and narrow educational disparities. While challenges persist, proactive measures ensure that AI in education remains a force for equity, innovation, and student success.


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