Customs, Regulations & Standards

Section Three

Introduction UK Export Controls Trade Standards Taxation Labour Law Regulated Industries Dispute Resolution Intellectual Property Rights Public Procurement Lobby Law

There are several items which require specific export licences before they can be exported from the UK.

The UK Strategic Export Control Lists form the basis of determining whether any products, software, or technology that you intend to export are ‘controlled’ and therefore require an export licence. If your items are referenced on the Control Lists (i.e., listed under a Control List entry or ‘rating’) then you will need to apply for a licence from the Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU). ECJU is the UK government’s regulatory authority for export licensing of strategic goods. You should also note that if your goods are not listed on the UK Strategic Export Control Lists, that ECJU has the power to invoke ‘end-use controls’ if there are any specific concerns about military or weapons of mass destruction (WMD) end-use.




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